Professor Wabbit's
Pictorial History of
The Ancient And Honorable Order of
E Clampus Vitus.
Adam, the first Clamper.
"In the beginning... there were Clampers."
- Dumbellicus, 18:50.
4005 B.C.
Stonehenge, England.
Lascaux, France.
Moai, Easter Island.
Abu Simbel Temple, Egypt.
Pharaoh Akhethotep with Staff of Relief, Egypt.
Clamper Architecture, Ancient Rome.
Leonardo da Vinci.
Sir Francis Drake.
Abraham Lincoln.
Mark Twain.
Mt. Rushmore.
Statue of Liberty.
Mountain Charlie wants you!
Albert Einstein
Early Aviation Pioneer
Man on the Moon.
President Ronald Reagan.
U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln.
U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln.
California Commemorative Quarter.
Credo Quia Absurdum.